
World Penguin Day

Today is dedicated to our fine feathered swimming friends, the penguin

Deviled Egg Day
There are many ways to prepare eggs, but one of the most delicious is to make them into deviled eggs. If you haven’t tried this method before, the perfect day to start is Deviled Egg Day.Start with a hard boiled egg, and slice it in half. Scoop out the yolk and mash it with mayonnaise […]
420 Day
420, 4:20, or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is a code-term that refers to the consumption of cannabis and by extension, as a way to identify oneself with cannabis subculture or simply cannabis itself. Observances based on the number 420 include smoking cannabis around the time 4:20 p.m (16:20) (with some sources also indicating 4:20 a.m.[1][2]) on any given […]
Apple Dumpling Day
When : September 17th Be a member of the Apple Dumpling Gang. National Apple Dumpling Day is today. We are celebrating a tasty fall treat. Its easy to make (and, even easier to buy!). Apple lovers can't resist this pastry, filled with sweet, delicious apples. With the arrival of fall and cool weather, two things […]
International Ask a Question Day
What? How? Where? Why? HUH?!? All of the questions you could possibly think of can be freely raised on Ask a Question Day!That’s right, now is your opportunity to ask that burning question that’s been festering in the dark recesses of your mind. We all know there’s no such thing as a stupid question, so […]

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