Sense Of Smell Day

A day to build awareness of the role that our noses play in daily life, Sense Of Smell Day is celebrated throughout educational institutes accross America, promoting learning about how smell interacts with other senses (taste in particular), and how the sense of smell works.

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Mario Day
In recognition of everyoneĆ¢??s favourite pizza-loving Nintendo character, take part in celebrating Mario Day. First appearing in Donkey Kong in 1981, Mario soon became not only the mascot for computer giant Nintendo, but also a worldwide sensation. The hugely successful Super Mario Bros. series, featuring Mario and his brother Luigi, defined the 1980Ć¢??s and the […]
Camcorder Day
Wherever you live in the world, chances are your country has a TV show that manages to both delight and irritate viewers whilst simultaneously making them feel a bit uncomfortable, but also a little more self-confident. We are of course talking about programmes that revolve around home videos, sharing everything from embarrassing prom nights to […]
space shuttle launch during nighttime
Rocket Day
Rocket Day commemorates humanity's fascination with space exploration and the remarkable achievements of rocket technology. From the launch of Sputnik to the moon landing, rockets have played a crucial role in expanding our understanding of the universe. Take this day to learn more about the history of rocketry and celebrate the ingenuity of those who dare to reach for the stars.
National Tell A Story Day
An national Storytelling Festival Event.