Hug A Plumber Day

Most of us take plumbing for granted – running water, hot water on demand, and the complex systems of piping that keep things ticking over for us in the background are easy to forget about it. Hug A Plumber Day encourages us to recognize the ingenuity, hard work and skills of plumbers everywhere – because who knows when you’ll spring a leak.

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popsicle shaped pool float
Creamsicle Day
Creamsicle Day on August 14 is a celebration of summertime indulgence and the timeless appeal of the Creamsicle. Whether you're reminiscing about childhood memories or discovering the joy of this frozen treat for the first time, embrace the creamy, fruity goodness that defines the Creamsicle experience.
Stand Up To Cancer Day
Stand Up To Cancer aims to form an unstoppable movement against cancer. Through TV and the internet, particularly the USA-based telethon that occurs on this day, the 9th September, famous names and the entertainment industry team up to drive home the message that together we can stop cancer.One in two men and one in three […]
Hug a Vegetarian Day
Adopting a meat-free, vegetarian diet can save up to a hundred animals per year. That’s a pretty hefty toll when you add it up over the course of a lifetime, so here’s to those who stick it out as vegetarians – Hug A Vegetarian Day aims to combat the stigma of vegetarianism and to recognise […]
Decorating With Candy Day
Sometimes all we need is permission to enjoy the little treats in life. On Decorating With Candy Day, people can create and enjoy their sweet creations without guilt. After all, it’s a recognised day where we are allowed to indulge – and indulge we shall!Why not smatter a layer of your favourite chocolate candies over […]