
Poem in Your Pocket Day

What better way to make friends than being prepared to spontaneously recite poetry? Prepare for Poem in Your Pocket Day by having your favourite prose tucked about your person, ready to orate at any moment!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/poem-in-your-pocket-day/

Bourbon Day
Date: June 14 Bourbon Day is a celebration of the distinctly American whiskey known as bourbon. This day invites whiskey enthusiasts to savor and appreciate the rich flavors and history of bourbon. History Bourbon is a type of American whiskey that has been produced since the 18th century. It is primarily made from corn and […]
Mitten Tree Day
Mitten Tree Day is a holiday for small children but you can enjoy this day at any age!  It's the best grade school project when it's cold outside and to keep the kids entertained. Ways to celebrate:  Have a Christmas tree (either real or cut out of poster board) and have people donate mittens for […]
Hanging Out Day
The future of the environment is in our hands and it´s the little actions that can make big differences. One simple way to save energy is to hang out your laundry instead of machine drying it. This idea has been diffused on Hanging Out Day since 1995, when the day was established to highlight the […]
Tortellini Day
There's a debate on where tortellini originated, but most Italians agree its filling must include a blend of prosciutto, mortadella and Parmigiano-Reggiano. Source: food.com