Talk Like Shakespeare Day

Talk Like Shakespeare Day celebrates the bard’s birthday and his works, from such classics as Romeo And Juliet to A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

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Hot Cross Bun Day
Whilst hot cross buns pre-date Christianity, they were historically only eaten on Good Friday as a Christian symbol of the crucifixion. However, they are now widely available and eaten throughout the year. Hot Cross Bun Day encourages you to consider the roots of the hot cross bun, and to take a day to enjoy hot […]
Caramel Day
Caramel Day is dedicated to the rich, gooey, delicious substance made with the dark alchemy of the culinary arts. It is the known as Caramel, which is in fact born out of the rather exacting process of caramelization. The process is deceptively simple, you need merely increase the heat of sugar to a mere 170 °C […]
World Naked Gardening Day
Get ready for the Annual World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD)! People across the globe are encouraged, on the first Saturday of May, to tend their portion of the world's garden unclothed as nature intended. Gardening has a timeless quality, and anyone can do it: young and old, singles or groups, the fit and infirm, urban […]
blossoming flower with gentle petals on blue background
National Orange Blossom Day
National Orange Blossom Day celebrates the fragrant and delicate flowers of the orange tree. These blossoms not only perfume the air with their sweet scent but also play a vital role in the production of oranges. Whether you enjoy their aroma in perfumes or savor the flavor in culinary creations, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and versatility of orange blossoms.

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