Picnic Day

In the most famous artistic depiction of a picnic, Edouard Manet’s "Le Dejeuner sur l’Herbe," the spread is notably scant — just some fruit and a loaf of bread.

Source: food.com

Laboratory Day
A Mad scientists Favourite Day
Namesake Day
Namesake Day encourages you to explore the roots of your name, to find out if you were named after somebody of something in particular, and to research and connect with people who share the same name as you.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/namesake-day/
Measure Your Feet Day
Measure Your Feet Day is a day to, well it's a day to measure your feet. At this point, we stop and ask ourselves...why? We pondered this question for a while. Then, we decided it was best not to even speculate. Celebrate today by measuring your feet. Both of them. Measure the length. Then, measure […]
Kiss Your Mate Day
Kiss Your Mate Day is a perfect chance to smooch with your partner, as if you need an opportunity to share a kiss or two with the one you love. With spring in the air, April is an appropriate time for Kiss Your Mate Day. Some people may ask ""why do you need a holiday […]