
Earth Day

Respect and learn more about your earth today, it's the only one you got

Organize Your Home Day
We all find it difficult to keep our homes tidy and organised, and its oh so easy to keep putting off tasks that always seem to require too much effort and time than we care to dedicate to them.Enter Organise Your Home Day, the perfect chance to quit making excuses for one day, get down […]
Bubble Bath Day
What better way to unwind than with a hot, soapy bubble bath? Bubble Bath Day encourages you to relax, so light the candles, play some soothing music and lose yourself in a favourite book for an hour or so.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/bubble-bath-day/
Cheese Ball Day
When : Always April 17th National Cheeseball Day is a day to stuff yourself with cheeseballs. But wait!!! What kind of cheeseball are we talking about? There's the light and airy, puffy cheeseball that you munch on for a snack by the dozens. There is also the cheeseball, often decorated with nuts, that sits on […]
Hagfish Day
Hagfish are widely believed to be one of the world’s ugliest living creatures, made even more repugnant by their production of viscous slime as a defense mechanism. Hagfish Day aims to promote understanding that in nature, beauty isn’t everything – and that in fact, the Hagfish is a highly evolved and specialised creature worthy of […]

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