Chocolate-Covered Cashew Truffle Day

Not a true nut, a cashew is actually a seed from the cashew apple — each fruit has only one seed.


International Carrot Day
The International Carrot Day or the Carrot Day is celebrated every year on April 4th and is the pinnacle for carrot lovers all around the world. It is the day when the carrot is celebrated through carrot parties and other carrot related festivities. Join the fun and celebrate the Carrot Day yourself!More Details...All details taken […]
bride and groom standing on rock
Loving Day
June 12th commemorates a pivotal moment in civil rights history with Loving Day. This annual observance celebrates the landmark Supreme Court decision in Loving v. Virginia, which legalized interracial marriage in the United States. Join us in honoring the legacy of love, equality, and acceptance on this significant day!
Hug a Newsman Day
When : Always April 4th Hug a Newsman Day gives you the opportunity to give a great, big hug to your local newsperson. C'mon, admit it. You've watched your cute newsman day in and day out. You've always told your self if you ever see him, you would give him a great, big hug. Well, […]
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Take Your Pants for a Walk Day
Take Your Pants for a Walk Day, celebrated on July 27, is a whimsical holiday that encourages everyone to get outside and enjoy a refreshing walk. While the name might bring a smile to your face, the day carries a significant message: prioritize your health and well-being by incorporating more physical activity into your daily routine. Whether you take a leisurely stroll through your neighborhood, explore a new park, or organize a group walk with friends, this fun and light-hearted day is a perfect reminder to enjoy the simple yet impactful benefits of walking.

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