Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day

Fruit is usually heavier than batter, so thank goodness someone thought to flip cakes over. Try one of these upside-down cakes, including the classic: pineapple!


Cook Something Bold Day
When : Always November 8th Cook Something Bold Day is today. According to it's creator,, Cook Something Bold Day is designed to encourage us to cook something bold and daring, that will fill up the house with warm, ""homey"" odors. It is celebrated in the month of November, as houses are closed up for […]
Unlucky Day
When : Always December 31 Unlucky Day is today. We sincerely hope it's not unlucky for you. It will be unlucky for some people. It seems fitting that Unlucky Day is the last day of the year. You get the chance to get all the bad things out of the way, do next year will […]
Sorry Charlie Day
Date When Observed : Always on April 6th Have you ever been rejected? For anything? Sure you have! We all have. Sorry Charlie Day is for all of us who have been spurned, and yet somehow survived it. Take a minute today and reflect upon a past dejection. Then, smile with he realization that ""_ […]
Chocolate Cake Day
Sticky, gooey, creamy chocolate. Soft, moist and delicious cake. Put them together, and celebrate Chocolate Cake Day! From chocolate cream buns to a whopping great gateaux, today is the day to indulge!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at