Look Alike Day

When : Always April 20th

Oh Boy! It's Look Alike Day. Time to look like somebody else.....copycat.

Today's a day to find someone you really look up to, and try to look like them. Start with the hair. Cut and style your hair, as needed,  to look like the person you've selected to look like. Then, select items from your wardrobe (or buy some new clothes!) that your lookalike wears. Along the way, make sure to practice and copy their walk, their talk, and their facial expressions. In other words. try to be as identical to that person as possible.

Who should you look like? Anyone you want. Its as simple as that. Pick an actor or actress, a singer, a politician, family member or friend.

Look alike contests and parties are a great idea for today.

Most Famous Look Alikes (Impersonators): Elvis Presley, The ""King"". Also, current and past presidents.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/April/lookalikeday.htm

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