
Hanging Out Day

The future of the environment is in our hands and it´s the little actions that can make big differences. One simple way to save energy is to hang out your laundry instead of machine drying it. This idea has been diffused on Hanging Out Day since 1995, when the day was established to highlight the amount of energy that is wasted using electric clothes dryers. Electric clothes dryers can account for six to ten percent of energy consumption in a household. So hanging out your laundry to dry in the sun can really save a considerable amount of energy.

Hanging Out Day is celebrated by people hanging their laundry outside their homes in the open air, using the natural energy of the sun and wind to dry their clothes. You can join the celebrations and make your garden more colourful by hanging out your laundry too.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/hanging-out-day/

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