Pet Owners Independence Day

Fed up of going out to work every day to earn a crust, while your dog, cat, rabbit or budgie lounges around the house? Well, Pet Owners Independence Day aims to change all that. The idea of this wacky holiday is that we owners get a turn at lying on the carpet, while our fluffy friends try out their talents in the workplace.

Admittedly, there could be just a few drawbacks to this holiday… For one thing, will the average cat or dog be up to taking a letter, let alone a phone call? For another, just how good is a typical owner likely to prove at catching mice, gnawing bones or keeping a scratching post in trim? All that remains to be seen – but it’s a great idea, anyway, and should add a touch of animal magic to the day!

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Universal Children’s Day
Children's Day is recognized on various days in many places around the world, to honor children globally. It was first proclaimed by the World Conference for the Well-being of Children in 1925 and then established universally in 1954 to protect an ""appropriate"" day.[1]International Day for Protection of Children, observed in many countries as Children's Day […]
Fun Facts About Names Day
Fun Facts About Names Day encourages you to learn about the historical meanings and influences behind your name and the names of your friends and families. Uncover historical and religious influences, who you were named after, and see how name trends have changed over generations!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Sorry Charlie Day
Date When Observed : Always on April 6th Have you ever been rejected? For anything? Sure you have! We all have. Sorry Charlie Day is for all of us who have been spurned, and yet somehow survived it. Take a minute today and reflect upon a past dejection. Then, smile with he realization that ""_ […]
colorful marmalade with sugar on gray background
Gummy Worm Day
Gummy Worm Day on July 15 is a fun and quirky celebration of everyone's favorite chewy and colorful candy treat. Join us as we indulge in the sweet and tangy goodness of gummi worms, whether it's enjoying them on their own, incorporating them into delicious desserts, or sharing them with friends and family. Let's make this Gummy Worm Day a day to remember with a burst of fruity flavors and playful nostalgia!

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