Ford Mustang Day

Ford Mustang Day commemorates of the day the Mustang was first introduced to the public in 1964. Most new cars are released in fall of the year titled for the next year, so the first Mustang was titled a ’64 1/2.

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Lame Duck Day
Lame Duck Day has nothing to do with injured animals; rather, itâ??s about giving some support and recognition to people who are on their way out â?? last termâ??s political leaders, people whoâ??ve been promoted or are moving away, and anybody whoâ??s ineffective in their current position because their time is up.More Details...All details taken […]
Static Electricity Day
National Static Electricity Day is celebrated on January 9th. Many people would not understand what static electricity really is and how it works. In the US, in the month of January every day is dedicated for a particular cause or an event, therefore January 9th is dedicated as the National Static Electricity Day.What is static […]
Evaluate Your Life Day
How’s it going? Evaluate Your Life Day is a chance to get reflective, and consider how you’re doing. How’s your career? Your family life? Your relationships? If there’s anything you feel needs a bit of attention, today’s the day to get a plan in place and start making changes!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content […]
Clean Off Your Desk Day
Clean Off Your Desk Day heralds the beginning of some serious spring cleaning. Do you really need all that junk, old paperwork and mess on your desk? If the answer’s no, take the opportunity to do a little tidying!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at