
That Sucks Day

Historically, a lot of bad things happen on That Sucks Day, not least of which is that it’s income tax pay day (this is also the day the Titanic sank and Abraham Lincoln died).

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/that-sucks-day/

Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day
On March 29th, 1848, ice blockages caused rivers to run dry, and reduced the flow of water to such an extent that Niagara Falls’ 3,160 tons of water per second flow came to a halt. Locals celebrate with Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day, and with plenty of great hotels in the area, it’s not hard […]
Men Make Dinner Day
Men Make Dinner Day is aimed at the men who never cook. The day has its own website which features reasons for participation, rules for today and even some simple recipes to get you started.Rules include a no interference policy for the women of the household, no feeding the resulting meal to the dog, and […]
Yorkshire Pudding Day
Yorkshire puddings are a savory food, made from a batter mix similar to that used for pancakes, which often accompanies roast beef. Celebrate Yorkshire Pudding Day by organizing a large family meal, and dedicating the bottom shelf of the oven to a delicious tray of big, puffy Yorkshire puddings!More Details...All details taken directly from provider […]
National Receptionists Day
Be extra nice to your receptionist today

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