Pecan Day

Indigenous to the Americas, pecans take their name from an Algonquin word that means “nut that requires a stone to crack.”


man and woman near table
Handshake Day
Handshake Day celebrates the universal gesture of greeting and agreement that transcends cultural boundaries. Whether it's a firm handshake in a business setting or a friendly handshake between friends, this simple gesture symbolizes trust, respect, and goodwill. On this day, take the time to shake hands with colleagues, acquaintances, and strangers alike, fostering connections and building relationships through this timeless act of human interaction.
World Literacy Day
For the sake of the world, read today
grape juice drink in close up photography
National Slurpee Day
Get ready to chill out and celebrate National Slurpee Day on July 11! Join us as we raise a cup to the iconic frozen beverage that has been cooling off thirsty fans for decades. Whether you prefer classic flavors or bold new combinations, this is the perfect day to sip, slurp, and savor the refreshing goodness of a Slurpee. Don't miss out on the cool fun - mark your calendars and get ready to indulge in the ultimate summer treat!
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Nikola Tesla Day
Nikola Tesla Day, celebrated on July 10th, honors the brilliant inventor and visionary who revolutionized the world with his groundbreaking contributions to science and technology. This day serves as a reminder of Tesla's remarkable achievements in electrical engineering and his enduring legacy that continues to inspire innovation and creativity. Join us in commemorating Nikola Tesla's extraordinary life and work on this special day dedicated to celebrating his genius and ingenuity.