Pecan Day

Indigenous to the Americas, pecans take their name from an Algonquin word that means “nut that requires a stone to crack.”


Cheese Doodle Day
While cheesy cornmeal snacks can be enjoyed all year round, they are best enjoyed on Cheese Doodle Day. While there are many variations on the snack food, which is made by puffing and baking cornmeal and then coating it with cheese, the most popular are Cheez Doodles. These are produced by Wise Foods, who began […]
Uncle Sam Day
When : September 13th Uncle Sam Day celebrates a symbol of America. Uncle Sam is certainly one of America's most recognized symbols. Uncle Sam appears on everything from military posters to cartoon images to advertising media. He is perhaps, the most recognizable symbol in the world. Did you Know? There are other human symbols representing […]
Houseplant Appreciation Day
Having greenery indoors, at home, and in your living room can improve your environment, freshen your air, and make a room more pleasant and colourful. Houseplant Appreciation Day encourages you to look after your houseplants, to grow and maintain a variety of colourful indoor flowers, and to generally appreciate house plants!More Details...All details taken directly from […]
snowflake illustration
Make Cut-out Snowflakes Day
In the heart of winter, when frost adorns the windows and the air is filled with whispers of snow, there's a day that invites us to unleash our inner artists and revel in the magic of creation: Make Cut-out Snowflakes Day. This enchanting holiday holds a rich history and a timeless appeal that continues to […]

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