Look Up at the Sky Day

How often do you look upwards? Look Up at the Sky Day encourages you to stop for a moment, and to appreciate the beautiful blue sky, fluffy clouds and elegant, soaring birds… That’s on the assumption that it’s not grey, raining, cloudy, foggy, or that you’re indoors…

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/look-up-at-the-sky-day/

International Very Good Looking Smart People Day
Weed Appreciation Day
burger on brown wooden tray
Burger Day (UK)
On August 27, the UK celebrates Burger Day, a delicious tribute to one of the nation’s favorite fast foods. This day is dedicated to enjoying and appreciating burgers in all their variations, from classic beef patties to creative gourmet options. Whether you're grilling at home, trying out a new recipe, or visiting a local burger joint, Burger Day is the perfect opportunity to indulge in and celebrate this iconic dish. It's a chance to explore the diverse world of burgers and savor the flavors that make this food a global favorite.
Record Store Day
Record Store Day is an internationally celebrated day observed the third Saturday of April each year. Its purpose is to celebrate the culture of the independently owned record store.[1] The day brings together fans, artists, and thousands of independent record stores across the world.[2]Sparked by a comment by Bull Moose employee Chris Brown that something […]

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