Cinnamon Crescent Day

Thank Pillsbury for making crescent rolls an everyday delight. The company introduced frozen dough in the 1950s, and home cooks have baked with it ever since.


Hot Buttered Rum Day
This cocktail was born when American colonists began adding molasses and butter to their hot toddies. Today, brown sugar often fills in for the molasses. Source:
Be Kind To Lawyers Day
A day to be nice to lawyers and try to inject some law-based fun into your everyday life (for example, try DIY with a Gavel, instead of a hammer). Be Kind To Lawyers Day encourages you to – yes, you guessed it – be kind to your lawyer. Wine and dine them, ring them up […]
Name Your PC Day
Chances are that you spend a lot of time at your computer, whether that’s at home, work, or on the move; in some cases probably more time than you spend with your friends, family or loved ones! Yet even with all this time together, your PC remains an anonymous stranger – seize the chance to […]
Flashlight Day
Date When Celebrated : Always December 21 Don't be left in the dark on National Flashlight Day. The basic requirement  for this day, is a flashlight and good batteries. Flick the switch, and you can put anything into your spotlight. We'd like to shed a little light on this special day. National Flashlight Day arrives […]

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