Cherish An Antique Day

A day is set aside in April of every year on which to appreciate unique objects that date back to a time when quality and craftsmanship were most valued by a discerning clients. It is a day on which everyone is encouraged to revisit an era of artistic talent that, for them, holds a special and timeless appeal.

Cherish An Antique Day can be celebrated by a visit to an art museum, or simply by retrieving a valued heirloom from its place of safety and exhibiting it for the day. The idea is to salute past artistry and to create a greater awareness of the type of aesthetic appeal that withstands the test of time. It is hoped that exposure to the past masters will encourage a commitment to quality rather than quantity in todayâ??s production-line type of manufacturing. Cherishing an antique can make the past far more present.

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