Beer Day

Whether you’re a lager lover or a cask ale connoisseur, there’s no excuse not to raise a glass to another yearly installment of Beer Day – the perfect opportunity for beer brewers, sellers and buyers to raise their frosty glasses in celebration of the oldest, and most popular alcoholic beverage on the planet!

Bars, restaurants and pubs all over the world join in with the celebration, so it’s easier than ever to show your appreciation for the people who brew beer, and those who make it available for us all to drink on that parched summer’s afternoon.

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man surfing on waves
International Surfing Day
June 21st is International Surfing Day, dedicated to celebrating the sport of surfing and promoting environmental conservation efforts to protect coastal regions. This global holiday brings together surfers and ocean enthusiasts to enjoy the waves and raise awareness about the importance of preserving our oceans and beaches.
macro shot of white and brown american eagle
American Eagle Day
June 20th is American Eagle Day, dedicated to raising awareness about the conservation and protection of the bald eagle, the national bird of the United States. This day celebrates the recovery and restoration of the bald eagle population, which faced endangerment due to habitat loss and hunting.
Wonderful Weirdos Day
Nothing’s quite as dull as being normal, boring and average. Celebrate being weird, and celebrate the weirdos in your life on Wonderful Weirdos Day. Make an effort to be weird by dressing weirdly, doing weird things and encouraging weirdness with your friends and in the workplace!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Blueberry Pie Day
What could be more enjoyable than a slice of, delicious, Blueberry pie? Blueberries, or star berries as the Native Americans called them, are one of nature’s super foods. The humble blueberry is one of few blue foods, found in nature, and it is native to the Americas. The chemicals found in blueberries may contribute to […]

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