Tomato Day

Are tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable? In 1893, the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in. Decision: officially a fruit, but taxed as a vegetable.


Miniature Golf Day
Get yourself down to the (tiny) putting green for Miniature Golf Day! A great day out for the family, and an excuse to sharpen up your putting skills all in one fun package. Watch out for the windmill turbines!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Origami Day
The folded paper crane is an international symbol of peace. However, there’s a lot more to origami than simple birds, and Origami Day is all about promoting the art of paper folding and showcasing incredible creations.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Decorating With Candy Day
Sometimes all we need is permission to enjoy the little treats in life. On Decorating With Candy Day, people can create and enjoy their sweet creations without guilt. After all, it’s a recognised day where we are allowed to indulge – and indulge we shall!Why not smatter a layer of your favourite chocolate candies over […]
No Beard Day
When : Always October 18th No Beard Day exists so you have a good reason to shave your beard. You've had a beard so long, that you don't know what you'd look like without one. And, your lady friend isn't so fond of it. Today brings the extra incentive you need, to shave it off […]