International Carrot Day

The International Carrot Day or the Carrot Day is celebrated every year on April 4th and is the pinnacle for carrot lovers all around the world. It is the day when the carrot is celebrated through carrot parties and other carrot related festivities.

Join the fun and celebrate the Carrot Day yourself!
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French Toast Day
French toast is a food made by frying bread in egg mix, though many variants exist by region and by ingredients – some including sweet additions such as fruit, syrups and milk. French Toast Day encourages you to try this delicious dish (also known as eggy bread and poor knight’s pudding) in place of your […]
International Literacy Day
Why not read a book today? or teach someone to read.
Humbug Day
For many people, Christmas can be an incredibly stressful time of year. Coping with the pressures of shopping for gifts and planning events and parties whilst embracing the holiday spirit can be a lot to ask! Humbug Day encourages a controlled venting of all that stress before Christmas so that you can enjoy the festive […]
Get Smart About Credit Day
Bankers and members of the credit industry give talks and presentations at schools, colleges and workplaces about the importance of good financial management.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at

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