Go Birding Day

Nesting in the middle of spring is a day that is dedicated to celebrating the wonderful ways of our feathery friends.
If you’re a fan of cheeping, flapping, pecking and swooping, then Go Birding Day should certainly appeal.

On a serious note, many of our best-loved species, such as the common house-sparrow are currently under threat, so Go Birding Day is also a chance to draw attention to the plight of some of our best-loved species.

You can celebrate Go Birding Day on your own, or with family and friends. You could also alert your local primary school, who may be keen to take part. Suggested birding activities include:

  • Hanging up bird feeders, and learning about the different sorts of food loved by various birds.
  • Taking photos of birds that you can see in your garden – or local area if you don’t have a garden.
  • Visiting a local nature reserve.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/go-birding-day/

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