Harry Houdini Day

Spend some time and learn a magic trick today.

Take a Hike Day
Take A Hike Day is either about going for an exhilarating walk, or telling somebody to get lost – we’ll leave the interpretation up to you!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/take-a-hike-day/
sliced cheese on brown table top
Another Cheese Day
Another Cheese Day, celebrated on June 4th, pays homage to the diverse world of cheese. From sharp cheddars to creamy bries, cheese enthusiasts use this day to indulge in their favorite varieties and explore new flavors.
Go Bowling Day
Practice that 7-10 split today
Hagfish Day
Hagfish are widely believed to be one of the world’s ugliest living creatures, made even more repugnant by their production of viscous slime as a defense mechanism. Hagfish Day aims to promote understanding that in nature, beauty isn’t everything – and that in fact, the Hagfish is a highly evolved and specialised creature worthy of […]