Near Miss Day

Near Miss Day commemorates March 23rd, 1989, when a large asteroid missed the Earth by a mere 500,000 miles – a very near miss indeed! What would you do if an asteroid was about to hit the Earth – how would you spend your last hours, and would you even want to know?

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Universal Children’s Day
Children's Day is recognized on various days in many places around the world, to honor children globally. It was first proclaimed by the World Conference for the Well-being of Children in 1925 and then established universally in 1954 to protect an ""appropriate"" day.[1]International Day for Protection of Children, observed in many countries as Children's Day […]
Male Watchers Day
Date When Celebrated : Always January 8th Ladies, here is a day that you can thoroughly enjoy! On Male Watcher's Day, you get the opportunity to go out and watch the guys. After all, they have their fun watching the ladies. Now, it's your turn, to hoot and holler. You can perform your Male Watching […]
Baked Scallops Day
Scallop shells symbolized female fertility in ancient times. Venus, the goddess of love, was often depicted with them, most famously in Botticelli's "Birth of Venus." Source:
Walking the Dog Day
When : Always February 22nd Walking the Dog Day is a special day that your dog looks forward to all year long. But, wait a minute..... ....Don't you walk your dog just about every day? Sure you do! And, weather permitting, its enjoyable for you and your dog. On this day walking with your dog […]