Puppy Day

Puppy Day celebrates the joy that puppies can bring to our homes and lives, but is a great chance to adopt an orphan or needy dog and to give them home, a loving parent, and a chance at a happy life.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/puppy-day/

man and woman wearing black jacket and gray cap
Kiss and Make Up Day
On August 25, Kiss and Make Up Day provides a heartfelt opportunity to mend relationships and resolve conflicts. This day encourages people to reach out to friends, family, or colleagues with whom they may have disagreements, offering apologies and forgiveness to restore harmony. It's a chance to let go of grudges, embrace understanding, and strengthen bonds. Whether through a sincere conversation or a thoughtful gesture, Kiss and Make Up Day underscores the power of reconciliation in fostering lasting, positive connections.
close up photo of chocolate mousse
Chocolate Pudding Day
Chocolate Pudding Day is a day dedicated to indulging in the rich and creamy goodness of chocolate pudding. It's a sweet celebration of one of the most beloved desserts, enjoyed by people of all ages.
Mitten Tree Day
Mitten Tree Day is a holiday for small children but you can enjoy this day at any age!  It's the best grade school project when it's cold outside and to keep the kids entertained. Ways to celebrate:  Have a Christmas tree (either real or cut out of poster board) and have people donate mittens for […]
Chocolate Covered Anything Day
We can’t think of anything that can’t be improved by covering it in a generous portion of melted chocolate, chocolate sauce or chocolate sprinkles. Well, maybe a few things, but that’s not the point of Chocolate Covered Anything Day now, is it?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/chocolate-covered-anything-day/