Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day

It’s all about texture (crisp!) and appearance (lace-like holes!) for lacy cookie lovers. These crunchy cookies are perfect teatime companions.


Western Monarch Day
For Western Monarch Day, we’re not celebrating Queen Elizabeth and friends, but the annual migratory return of the Western Monarch butterfly to the central Californian coast. The Western Monarch has a beautiful, distinctive pattern of amber and black on its wings, creating almost a stained glass window effect. It lives to the west of the […]
New Beer’s Eve
New Beer's Eve is an unofficial holiday in the United States, celebrating the end of Prohibition in the United States on April 6.The beginning of the end of Prohibition in the United States occurred as a result of the Cullen–Harrison Act and its signing into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 23, 1933. […]
National Storytelling Festival
Get people to gather around in a circle and tell them all a tall tale today
Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
If you’re a cat person, you’ll no doubt wonder what your cat is thinking from time to time. What unsolved mysteries does your tabby ponder, hmm? Answers Your Cat’s Questions Day is a chance to find out, and to answer some of the big questions. Take some time and attempt to work out what questions […]

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