
Forgive Mom & Dad Day

Parenting is an enormously challenging task and although some parents are better than others, none are perfect. Forgive Mom & Dad Day presents a perfect opportunity to let go of past hurts and frustrations, to let well-meaning but disappointing parents off the hook, and to find freedom from nagging resentments. Forgiving opens the door to a brighter future.

As children strive to become autonomous young adults, and parents try to adapt to the changes, there is ample room for arguments, misunderstandings and deeply wounded feelings. Forgive Mom & Dad Day encourages acceptance. Accept that parents are human and capable of making mistakes. Accept that parenting is done without a guidebook; parents must do the best they can with the resources they have. Accept and understand that letting go of resentments benefits both parents and children, and leads to greater health, happiness and well-being.

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/forgive-mom-dad-day/

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