Artichoke Hearts Day

Everyday is for the Artichoke, but today is just for its heart

Great Poetry Reading Day
When : Always April 28th Great Poetry Reading Day is in honor of some really great verse. There's lots of poetry out there. Some is good, and some is not so good. Today is intended to read the world's greatest poetry. Celebrate today in any or all of the following ways: Read poetry Hold a […]
Blue Monday
Blue Monday is a name given to a day in January (typically the third Monday of the month) purported to be the most depressing day of the year. The concept was first publicised as part of a 2005 press release from holiday company Sky Travel which claimed to have calculated the date using an equation.The […]
National Computing Day
Today honours all aspects of computing
Fruitcake Day
Date when : Always December 27th National Fruitcake Day celebrates the rock hard, fruit filled holiday cake. While fruitcake was popular in the 40's and 50's, we are not sure if anyone has ever eaten this weighty, gooey, sugar laden cake. Scientists have been unable to penetrate deeply into a fruitcake, and therefore, have failed […]

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