International Eat An Animal For PETA Day

The hypocrites run kill shelters. They don’t want us to keep animals as pets. Of course, they don’t think anyone should eat meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products. That’s where International Eat an Animal for PETA Day comes in. It’s the day where we eat animal products for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Why eat meat? Because PETA doesn’t want us to. They don’t want us to eat eggs, milk, cheese, or any animal product, which means vegetarians who are offended by PETA’s deliberately offensive ad campaigns and a 97% kill-rate animal shelter can join us.

It all started twelve years ago, when PETA ran an offensive ad they called “The Holocaust on your Plate”, using the famous picture of Elie Wiesel in Auschwitz to compare the slaughter of Jews to the slaughter of–wait for it–chickens. Yes, because they’re just like one another. As a bonus, they stole the picture and lied to get the rights to use it. A reader who is a child of Holocaust survivors alerted me to the campaign, and my philosophy has been more of a “Don’t get mad, get even” (or, well, get mad and get even). And so a blogger holiday was born.

Each year on March 15th, we chow down on animal products, tell each other what the menus will be/are/were, and make fun of PETA while we’re at it. Remember, this is the organization whose leader very publicly put in her will that she wanted her skin to be made into purses and she wants her meat barbecued. Yes, really.

There’s a Facebook group called EATAPETA you’re all welcome to join) and share your pictures and meal plans for the day.

But no matter what, on March 15th, celebrate EATAPETA’s anniversary by eating meat and animal products. As uber-commenter Alex Bensky says, if it didn’t have a mother, don’t eat it.

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