World Plumbing Day

Get under the sink and fix those u-bends today.

Bookmobile Day
Bookmobile Day is an opportunity to celebrate one of the many services offered through public libraries. Originating in the nineteenth century, the earliest bookmobiles were horse-drawn wagons filled with boxes of books. In the 1920s, Sarah Byrd Askew, a New Jersey librarian, thought reading and literacy so important that she delivered books to rural readers […]
Steve Jobs Day
Steve Jobs was a world famous businessman, thought leader and visionary. He spearheaded and revolutionised a number of industries, and lead organisations of the like of Apple, Pixar and many other household names.Steve Jobs died on October 5th, 2011, and Steve Jobs Day was established as a celebration of his life and commemoration of his […]
No Brainer Day
When : Always February 27th No Brainer Day - now this day is for me! By definition, a ""No brainer"" is dong something that is simple, easy, obvious, and/or totally logical. Therefore, today is the day for you to do all those ""no brainer"" tasks and activities. If a project requires thinking, study, or analysis […]
Puzzle Day
With the advent of digital entertainment, the common puzzle may be falling by the wayside. Puzzle Day is your chance to go back to basics; do a jigsaw, solve a crossword or buy a Rubikâ??s Cube and frustrate your friends!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at

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