Oatmeal Nut Waffle Day

It’s hard to imagine a heartier — or more oddly specific! — breakfast treat than oatmeal nut waffles. But we’ll try with a collection of our favorite morning rib-stickers.

Source: food.com

Batman Day
If you are of the opinion that there are not enough days set aside to celebrate fictional vigilantes, who dress up as flying creatures in order to tackle crime, then we agree with you. Fortunately, there is one such date set aside every year – Batman Day.The purpose of Batman Day is to celebrate the […]
Plush Animal Lover’s Day
Plush Animal Lovers Day is a day of celebration that is held every year to show your favourite stuffed toy some extra special love and appreciation.The original origins of the dayâ??s creation are vague but there is an unconfirmed Urban Legend that the day first came about after a collectibles dealer named Royal Selangor came […]
Long Walk Day
When was the last time you took a nice long walk and enjoyed the experience?
Burger Day (UK)
Do you fancy yourself as a burger connoisseur? Then Burger Day is your excuse to indulge and to try new flavors and experiences! Burger Day is run by a small group of burger-minded Londoners who have decided to sample, test and revel in the delights (and doubtless horrors) of London burger vendors. Why not join them and […]