
Nametag Day

Put on a nametag today and write any name you want on it

Pencil Day
Melba Toast Day
Melba Toast Day offers a different slant on the sandwich or snack. Why not get creative and substitute normal bread for Melba toast at lunch time?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/melba-toast-day/
Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
When : Always November 7th National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day is today. Lucky you....lucky me. Chocolate is a vegetable, made from cocoa beans. Almonds are good for you, as they help to improve your Cholesterol levels. So, bittersweet chocolate with almonds is goo for you, right!? On this special day, we will not question […]
No Housework Day
The laundry will be just fine in the basket until tomorrow.You’ve got enough plates to leave the washing up until the morning, just this once.No Housework Day is the one day a year you can just relax, forget those daily chores and do absolutely anything else instead. It’s a chance to indulge yourself with no guilt, […]

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