The International Day of Awesomeness

What is The International Day of Awesomeness?

The International Day of Awesomeness is a celebration of awesomeness. People are awesome every day, frequently don't realize it, and their feats of awesomeness are rarely recognized. We aim to fix that, with a special day to both perform and celebrate feats of awesomeness!

How Can I Celebrate The International Day of Awesomeness?

The easiest way to celebrate The International Day of Awesomeness is to be awesome. You could organize a group of your friends to perform feats of awesomness with. You could write a blog entry about someone you think epitomizes the ideals of awesomeness. As we get closer to the day, we'll have more concrete tips for things you can do to celebrate this very important (but fun, fun, fun - we can't stress that enough - The International Day of Awesomeness should be fun and not taken too seriously).

  • Where Did You Idiots Come Up With The International Day of Awesomeness?

    This is mostly the fault of Kevin Lawver (that's me). At work, on August 6th, 2007, one of our interns (Freddie Maneiro) suggested that we have a celebration of my awesomeness (it's been a running joke on this project). This cracked me up, and I said there should be a International Day of Awesomeness, and said that I'd post it to twitter, which I did. That started a very funny, very un-serious conversation among my friends about just what this holiday would entail. And well, here we are.

    The International Day of Awesomness occurs every year on March 10th. Why? Because that's Chuck Norris' birthday. No offense to Mr. Norris, but this isn't really a salute to Chuck Norris, the man. This is a tribute to the awesomeness of the the myth of Chuck Norris (see the Wikipedia entry). The International Day of Awesomeness is also strongly inspired by The Show with Ze Frank. Ze's year-long internship in the League of Awesomeness is something special, and if you didn't experience while it was going on, you should go back and watch the shows. Ze and his audience frequently performed feats of awesomeness, which could be used as inspiration for your own feats.

    Dan Lurie came up with the original tag line (""Because everyone needs an excuse to be awesome""), and my son, Max, came up with the new one. A bunch of people endorsed the date. I'm open to suggestions for where we take this next. This is a single page and only took about an hour to build. The domain name only took about five minutes to register. What I've done so far is not awesome, but I think this day could be extremely awesome. Any ideas are welcome!

    So, there you have it: The International Day of Awesomeness. How will you be awesome? What feats of awesomeness will you perform?

    If you're planning an event for The International Day of Awesomeness, Chris Radcliff has set up an umbrella event you can post your event to!

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