The Great Bagpipe Convergence happens today. Break out your bagpipes or ear plugs, it's going to be a loud one.
Vitamin C Day
Load up on citrus fruit, berries and green vegetable for Vitamin C Day; boost your immune system, fight off that cold and feel great!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
‘Mmm, pizzaaaa!’ as Joey Tribbiani from ‘Friends’ might once have said, or was it Michelangelo from ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’? Anyway, there is clearly nothing more delicious than a large pizza with its doughy yet crisp base, and its choice variety of savoury toppings, tenderly amalgamated with molten cheese, onion and pepper.Here are some ideas on […]
Pirouette – it’s Ballet Day! It may be a bit of a stretch to take up ballet for a single day, so why not simply go and see a ballet instead?More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Date: June 13 Sewing Machine Day celebrates the invention and impact of the sewing machine, a device that revolutionized the textile industry and home sewing practices. This day acknowledges the ingenuity behind this essential tool and its continued relevance in modern times. History Sewing Machine Day commemorates the patenting of the first practical sewing machine […]