Proof Reading Day

Take some time and re-read everything you write for Proof Reading Day – better to get it right than to have to go back through and fix your mistakes!

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Fibonacci Day
Leonardo of Pisa, better known as Fibonacci, is responsible for the Fibonacci Sequence (or Fibonacci numbers) – a pattern of counting where each number is the sum of the previous two. As well as being prevalent in nature, this kind of system is used widely in computer data storage and processing, and Fibonacci Day recognises […]
Fragrance Day
Date When Celebrated : Always March 21st Don't put up a stink about today. Today is Fragrance Day. It is a great smelling day. The olfactory nerves in your nose, will enjoy this special day. Ladies in particular, will enjoy today because they just love perfumes. And guys, you've gotta admit that your gal's perfume […]
Golden Spike Day
Think about a world without a transcontinental railroad
Computer Security Day
Security is an important consideration when working with computers, the Internet or indeed any electronic devices. Use Computer Security Day to ensure that your passwords are regularly updated, that your personal information is safe and secure, and that your systems are protected.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at

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