Proof Reading Day

Take some time and re-read everything you write for Proof Reading Day – better to get it right than to have to go back through and fix your mistakes!

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Find A Rainbow Day
Happy Mew Year for Cats Day
Any cat owner will tell you that cats consider themselves to be far, far superior to us mere mortals. They most certainly feel entitled and deserving of all that life has to offer, so why not have a Happy Mew Year Day For Cats Day just for them?Like the hugely inferior human version of New […]
Authors’ Day
Celebrate literature in all its forms on Authors’ Day, and show your appreciation for the incredibly hard work put in by the authors behind your favourite writings.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
For Pete’s Sake Day
Oh, for Pete’s sake! Not another pointless holiday?For Pete’s Sake Day celebrates one example of a ‘minced oath’, where an offensive word or phrase is substituted by something more acceptable in society. Other examples include ‘For crying out loud!’, and ‘Sugar!’. Such euphemisms have been used for centuries whenever people hit thumbs with hammers, burn […]

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