Middle Name Pride Day

Whether it be Horton, Eunice, or that special family name that’s been passed down for the last five generations, your middle name is part of defining who you are, and where you fit in your own family. Celebrate your middle name in all its guts, glory and finery on Middle Name Pride Day!

It may embarrass you, it may describe your personality in some way, or it may be something you actually like and appreciate. Whatever your middle name is, today is the day for you to write it down, share it with someone, or shout it out with pride. After all, your full name is part of who you are – and your middle name was chosen by your parents or loved ones as a way to link your whole name together. It is special, no matter how cringy, and deserves its place in the limelight!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/middle-name-pride-day/

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