Be Heard Day

Are you a small business owner, entrepreneur, or other local company who may find it difficult to compete against the large chain stores, or other, bigger businesses? Are you struggling to be heard? Here is your chance to find your voice and shout out your worth on Be Heard Day!

For, this day was created for the likes of you – celebrating local business people and giving them a chance to promote themselves through the use of low-cost, high-tech marketing gems such as Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube. You can find all sorts of creative ways to give your business or idea that much-needed promotional boost – why not take the plunge and allow your voice to sing above the rest? This is the day when potential customers will be looking out for that special product or idea that is perhaps only available from you…go for it, and be heard!

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Tell a Fairy Tale Day
Gather round the fire, and make yourselves comfortable… Tell A Fairy Tale Day is all about exploring myths and stories, old and new. From grim(m) tales to urban legends, tap the dark corners of your subconscious and see what you find…More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Carnival Day
When : Always February 26th Carnival Day celebrates a popular entertainment venue. Each year, millions of Americans flock to carnivals and put down big bucks to be entertained by death defying treats, clowns, elephants, lions, animal acts, and much more. Often, carnivals are preceded by a parade. Its a away to let the townspeople know […]
Working Naked Day
There appears to be a holiday for just about every concept under the sun, so should we be surprised that there is such a thing as Working Naked Day? As its name suggests, Working Naked Day is the day in which you carry out the day’s work unclothed.It should be hastily mentioned, of course, that […]
Darwin Day
He gave us the theory of evolution, today is his special day

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