Namesake Day

Namesake Day encourages you to explore the roots of your name, to find out if you were named after somebody of something in particular, and to research and connect with people who share the same name as you.

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Chocolate Chip Day
Everybody loves chocolate chips! They’re great in cookies, ice cream, crepes and even on their own as a treat. For Chocolate Chip Day, celebrate by making something really special with chocolate chips. If you have children, making cookies is a really easy and fun way to celebrate, and they’ll enjoy eating them when they’re cooked […]
National Repot your Plant Day
Your plants keep growing, give them a bigger home today
Pumpkin Pie Day
Pumpkin Pie Day celebrates the humble pumpkin pie, a national favourite in the USA. Pumpkin pie is a traditional North American sweet dessert, eaten during the fall and early winter, especially for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The pumpkin is a symbol of harvest time and featured also at Halloween.The pie consists of a pumpkin-based custard, ranging in […]
Doctor’s Day
Apple a day keeps the doctor away - except today

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