Grammar Day

Celebrate Grammar Day by crossing your I’s, dotting your T’s, and making sure that you’re correctly punctuating and structuring your sentences. Watch those apostrophes!

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Save The Frogs Day
Whilst the disappearance of bees has gained significant media coverage, the slow vanishing of frogs and various amphibian species has gone largely un-noticed. Save The Frogs Day aims to raise awareness of the plight of declining frog populations, and to encourage conservation and protective initiatives.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Checkers Day
Checkers Day doesn’t have anything to do with the popular board game; rather, it commemorates the famous ‘checkers‘ speech made by Richard M. Nixon in 1952 after he received an adorable Cocker Spaniel as he sought election in 1952.Politicians are banned from taking donations for their own use so, when he was accused of this […]
World Vegan Day
person holding chocolate ice cream cone
Chocolate Ice Cream Day
June 7th is Chocolate Ice Cream Day, a delicious celebration of one of the most beloved ice cream flavors. Whether enjoyed in a cone, cup, or sundae, chocolate ice cream delights taste buds with its rich and creamy texture and indulgent flavor.