Grammar Day

Celebrate Grammar Day by crossing your I’s, dotting your T’s, and making sure that you’re correctly punctuating and structuring your sentences. Watch those apostrophes!

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bacon sandwich on plate
Biscuit Day
On May 29th, we celebrate Biscuit Day, a delightful occasion dedicated to one of the world's most beloved baked treats. From buttery croissants to crunchy cookies, biscuits come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and flavors, delighting taste buds around the globe. So, on this special day, let's savor the simple pleasure of biting into a flaky, buttery biscuit and indulge in its comforting warmth. Happy Biscuit Day!
Buzzard Day
Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day
Why January 11th?There is a controversy among some MorseCode operators on who actually created the code: Samuel Morse or AlfredVail.  So, in order to not offend either side, I've chosen the dateof January 11, because on January 11, 1838  both Morse and Vail didthe first public demonstration of the electric telegraph together.What's The Purpose?As of […]
Genealogy Day
Take some time out and remember your ancestors

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