World Butt Day

March 3rd is now officially Butt Day. To participate, just change your facebook picture to a butt of some kind for the day. We want this to become as big as possible!Why March 3rd? Because 3 is the number that looks the most like a butt.
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Amateur Radio Day
Amateur Radio Day celebrates the beginings of the IARU – the International Amateur Radio Union – back in 1925. They are best recognised for their contribution to disaster relief workers in areas where communications are little to non-existent.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Get a Different Name Day
Whether youâ??re having a bit of an identity crisis, or simply fancy confusing your friends, Get A Different Name Day is a chance to throw off the shackles of the norm and adopt a new name!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
grayscale photo of people standing near the wrecked vintage car
Upsy Daisy Day
"Upsy Daisy Day" on June 8 is a celebration of resilience and positivity. It encourages individuals to lift themselves up with a cheerful attitude, even in the face of challenges. This light-hearted holiday reminds us to embrace optimism and bounce back from setbacks. Whether it's through spreading uplifting messages, practicing gratitude, or engaging in joyful activities, Upsy Daisy Day encourages us to approach life with a "can-do" spirit.
National Teacher Day

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