National Anthem Day

A day for enjoying a good, patriot sing-a-long, National Anthem Day encourages you to sing your own national anthem, but also to learn those of other countries. How many do you know?

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person dressed in a scarecrow halloween costume posing in a forest
Build a Scarecrow Day
"Build a Scarecrow Day" on July 3 celebrates the art and tradition of crafting scarecrows, which have long been used to protect crops from birds and pests. It's a day when people of all ages can gather materials like straw, old clothes, and accessories to create their unique scarecrow designs. Whether you're a gardener looking to protect your plants or simply someone who enjoys a creative project, Build a Scarecrow Day encourages everyone to embrace their imagination and celebrate this whimsical holiday outdoors.
Oatmeal Day
iPod Day
In 2001, the very first iPod was unveiled, and later went on sale on November 10th of the same year for $399.00 USD. iPod Day commemorates this launch, and recognises just how big a contribution the iPod has made to the accessibility and portability of music.More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at
Roald Dahl Day
As the Roald Dahl Day website explains:The official Roald Dahl Day takes place every year on 13 September, on the birthday of the World’s No. 1 Storyteller. In 2012 we are celebrating 30 years of the swizzfiggling Big Friendly Giant. The BFG is famous for catching, creating and making dreams come true.Why not enjoy a […]

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