World Compliment Day

Oh, wow. You look great! Have you lost a little weight since the last time we met? And your hair! It really suits you.

Compliment Day is billed as the most positive day in the world. It’s hard to argue, what with all those compliments being passed around. There is an art to it, though. A true compliment must be genuine, or the receiver will see through it. As importantly, the receiver must accept the compliment with a heartfelt “Thank you!”. It’s no good being self-effacing; you’ll wring all the positivity out of the situation, making for a dull Compliment Day.

If done properly though, Compliment Day is undoubtedly a force for good in this crazy world. Let’s really go for it. Compliment people you’ve never complimented before. Compliment people in the street. Send a wave of positivity around your hometown. Anyone ever tell you you’re wonderful?

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