Floral Design Day

When : Always February 28th

Floral Design Day is the perfect day to appreciate and create floral arrangements. Flowers are loved by all, especially the ladies. It seems only fitting that we have a day set aside to appreciate the creativity and artistic quality of flower arrangements.  

The perfect activities for today include:

  • Create a floral design with real, live, or dried flowers
  • Take pictures of floral designs.
  • View floral designs.
  • Draw pictures of floral designs.
  • Have the kids get in on the fun. Get out the crayons and let them draw floral designs for an aunt or a grandmother.

Guys: Get in touch with your feminine side and make some floral designs today. If you just can't bring yourself to do this, you will be happy to know that today is also Public Sleeping Day.

More Details...
All details taken directly from provider content at http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/February/floraldesignday.htm

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