
International Polar Bear Day

If you're a polar bear, you know what to do

International Mother Language Day
Speak only in your native tongue today
Baked Scallops Day
Scallop shells symbolized female fertility in ancient times. Venus, the goddess of love, was often depicted with them, most famously in Botticelli's "Birth of Venus." Source: food.com
Clean Up Your Room Day
When: Always on May 10th Clean Up Your Room Day is a day parents eagerly await........... and kids dread! If you've got kids, it is very possible that their rooms are a vast wasteland, completely filled with ""good stuff"". ""Messy"" is too kind of an adjective to describe the conditions. Its impossible to walk through […]
Dream Day
It is time to sit back and relax and enjoy Dream Day!But do not use it as an excuse to slip back into bed – Dream Day was set up by an instructor at Columbia University in 2012 as a way of helping us all achieve our dreams and to make the world a better […]

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