International Polar Bear Day

If you're a polar bear, you know what to do

National Sausage Pizza Day
John Frum Day
Every year on February 15th, natives of Tanna Island in the Republic of Vanuatu hold a grand celebration in honor of an imaginary man named John Frum. Villagers clothe themselves in homemade US Army britches, paint ""USA"" on their bare chests and backs, and run a replica of Old Glory up the flagpole alongside the […]
Birthday of Sliced Bread
Bread's been around for ages, but presliced loaves didn’t hit until 1930. Within five years, sliced bread was outselling unsliced, forever changing how we eat bread. Source:
assorted colors umbrella
Umbrella Cover Day
Umbrella Cover Day on July 6 is a whimsical celebration of those often overlooked accessories that keep our umbrellas neatly tucked away. It's the perfect opportunity to showcase the fun and stylish covers that can add a pop of personality to any rainy day ensemble. Join us in honoring these unsung heroes of rainy day fashion on Umbrella Cover Day!