Personal Chef Day

No, kids and husbands, it’s not the same thing as Mothers Day!

The United States Personal Chef Association (USPCA) proudly offers you your chance to serenade the single-minded, single-handed, solo pan handler and knife brandisher in your life.
They say most chefs could start a fight in an empty room so give yours some love on Personal Chef Day. The chances are you’re their only fan and also their only critic on a daily basis. Has the relationship become stale? Why not enliven it in the obvious fashion- by cooking them a meal and telling them not to hold back their opinions. Then, as a few pieces of your finest china go whizzing past your ear you can feel happy that you’ve allowed your go-it-alone gastronaut to let off steam.

More seriously, if you’re lucky enough to have a personal chef in your life, treat him extra nicely. For others, maybe there’s someone out there whom you take for granted on the food front and deserves some pampering. A school cafeteria goddess, the tea person at work or, most obviously…YOUR MOTHER!!! She doesn’t even get a fancy job title or a pretentious hat. You know what to do diners.

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a frame with letter cutouts
Just Because Day
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