Single Tasking Day

Research shows that multitasking is really inefficient. Trying to focus on and hop between multiple tasks dilutes focus, introduces delays, and makes things take longer to complete. Single Tasking Day, then, is about embracing one and only one task. Make a list, put it in order of priority, and get started on a task – and ignore everything else until you finish it!

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Virus Appreciation Day
Viruses – whether those which affect living organisms, or computer viruses – are clever little things. Sure, they’re annoying, and it’s frustrating that even with all of our protective measures, we still get infected. Virus Appreciation Day is your chance to think about viruses philosophically, and to take a moment to consider how sophisticated, amazing and […]
Cook Something Bold Day
When : Always November 8th Cook Something Bold Day is today. According to it's creator,, Cook Something Bold Day is designed to encourage us to cook something bold and daring, that will fill up the house with warm, ""homey"" odors. It is celebrated in the month of November, as houses are closed up for […]
Bike-to-Work Day
Bike to Work Day is an annual event held on various days in the Spring across the United States and Canada that promotes the bicycle as an option for commuting to work.Bike Month is May each year, and Bike to Work Week is the week of Bike to Work Day, which varies from city to […]
Leif Erickson Day
It honors Leif Erikson, who led the first Europeans believed to have set foot on North American soil.