Drink Wine Day

A glass of wine a day keeps the cardiologist away, or so they say. That may be the reason there is such a thing as Drink Wine Day, but whoâ??s to say we needed a reason to gurgle down a glass of our favourite zesty Bordeaux, anyway?

Well, whosoever thought of proclaiming a Drink Wine Day certainly pleased the gods and one in particular, Dionysus, or Bacchus to the Romans, god of merry making, wine, theatre and ecstasy. Whatever the vintage of the one youâ??re sipping as we speak, make sure you share it, because today is a â??wine and dineâ?? day. In fact, you can leave out the â??dineâ?? part because wine is said to be such a strong aphrodisiac, and red wine in particular, that your beloved will surely forgive you. In fact, letâ??s raise a glass to the French for the hard work theyâ??ve put into making us more lovable. Santé!

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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/drink-wine-day/

Working Naked Day
There appears to be a holiday for just about every concept under the sun, so should we be surprised that there is such a thing as Working Naked Day? As its name suggests, Working Naked Day is the day in which you carry out the day’s work unclothed.It should be hastily mentioned, of course, that […]
Whiner’s Day
""What do you mean, 'No holiday bonus this year?'""""A GREEN TIE?!?  It's Uuuugly!""What should we do?Whine???Let's be grateful for what we do have, like friends and family this holiday season, OK?Suggestions for Celebrating National Whiner's Day*Visit a shopping mall or retail store and watch people ""whine"" as they return and exchange their holiday gifts (remember, […]
Computer Security Day
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Biographers Day
Biographies dominate the publishing industryâ??s bestseller lists. However biographical writing has not always enjoyed such popularity, and biographical conventions have evolved considerably over the centuries.The modern style of biography originated in the eighteenth-century and is most closely associated with James Boswell, who undertook an extraordinary biography of his charismatic companion Samuel Johnson â?? poet, journalist, […]

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