Champion Crab Races Day

Gather-up everyone you know and race your friends on your hands and knees

wooden doghouse with dogs name on it
Get Out of the Doghouse Day
Get Out of the Doghouse Day, observed on July 20th, is a light-hearted reminder to mend relationships and reconcile with loved ones. Whether it's apologizing for a mistake or simply showing appreciation, this day encourages gestures that foster forgiveness and strengthen bonds. It's a chance to reflect, communicate openly, and reaffirm connections, promoting understanding and harmony in relationships.
Pet Owners Independence Day
Fed up of going out to work every day to earn a crust, while your dog, cat, rabbit or budgie lounges around the house? Well, Pet Owners Independence Day aims to change all that. The idea of this wacky holiday is that we owners get a turn at lying on the carpet, while our fluffy […]
Take back your time day
An initiative to challenge the epidemic of overwork, over-scheduling and time famine that now threatens our health, our families and relationships, our communities and our environment.
Cheese Fondue Day
Cheese Fondue Day is a way to celebrate that delicious mixture of cheese and wine that goes oh-so-well with bread, meat, and veggies.Fondue’s been around as a concept for hundreds of years, but cheese fondue is generally recognized to have come into existence in 1875 when the original recipe was published. Before then there was a […]