Ferris Wheel Day

Ride high, high in the sky (within the constraints of a Perspex box attached to a giant wheel); what better way to celebrate Ferris Wheel Day?
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All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/ferris-wheel-day/

World Vegan Day
photo of moon
Moon Day
Moon Day, celebrated on July 20th, honors the monumental achievement of the Apollo 11 mission, when humanity first set foot on the lunar surface in 1969. This day commemorates the spirit of exploration, scientific discovery, and human ingenuity that continues to inspire generations worldwide. It serves as a reminder of the historic steps taken by astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, marking a significant milestone in space exploration and igniting a fascination with the mysteries of the cosmos.
Saxophone Day
Saxophone Day is all about smooth jazz, soulful blues and good old rock’n’roll. Everybody’s wants to be able to play that bit from Baker Street (and it’s perfectly fine to ‘air sax’ along to it, right?), so take this day as an opportunity to go for it! Dust off, borrow, buy or rent a saxophone […]
Poem in Your Pocket Day
What better way to make friends than being prepared to spontaneously recite poetry? Prepare for Poem in Your Pocket Day by having your favourite prose tucked about your person, ready to orate at any moment!More Details...All details taken directly from provider content at http://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/poem-in-your-pocket-day/