Stamp Collectors Day

If you are a stamp collector review your collection, if not, start one

Candy Corn Day
When : Always October 30th National Candy Corn Day is today. Enjoy a handful of this sweet Fall treat. And, what perfect timing. National Candy Corn Day comes just a day before Halloween. That means you can eat plenty of it, before you go out Trick or Treating. Candy corn is enjoyed all year long. […]
Draw a Picture of a Bird Day
There's no need to be a professional artist to participate in Draw a Picture of a Bird Day! This holiday is all about having fun and enjoying the process of drawing, regardless of your level of skill. So why not take some time on November 18th to sit down with some paper and pencils (or […]
Clean Up Your Room Day
When: Always on May 10th Clean Up Your Room Day is a day parents eagerly await........... and kids dread! If you've got kids, it is very possible that their rooms are a vast wasteland, completely filled with ""good stuff"". ""Messy"" is too kind of an adjective to describe the conditions. Its impossible to walk through […]
Be Humble Day
February 22nd is the day when everyone celebrates Be Humble Day. Be Humble Day is the day to show humbleness. This day is not a day to boast or swash, not even the day to talk about your accomplishments and success. It’s the day meant only for humble experience.Humbleness is a good thing and virtue. […]